Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30: Halfway Through

Today marks the end of June. June is the sixth month of the year. Today marks the halfway point in my quest to write one entry a day for an entire year.

I think I've had a pretty good run so far. It has been a lot more difficult than I could have ever imagined but I'm pretty impressed that I've been able to maintain the goal as long as I have. Some of the posts have been insightful pieces on the way I think. Others have been made up stories that have caught readers off guard. I've done imaginative entries that I thought were hilarious only to receive zero comments. I've published posts that I thought were throw-aways and received a lot of feedback.

Over the course of the sixth months, I've gained twenty followers to my blog. That's twenty more than I ever thought possible. Having someone inform me that they read a recent post never gets old. Sometimes I'll receive a comment from the most unlikely of people and those are the most fun. I hope to have twenty more followers by the end of the year.

Taking part in a project like this is interesting because sometimes someone will tell me that the first post they read was one of my worst entries. The likelihood of them coming back to read more is pretty slim which is discouraging because every once in a while I have a good one in there. Because I write a post every day, it's very easy for a good post to get lost amongst the bad ones. I'm over-saturating my blog with entries, but I guess that comes with territory.

Six months worth of daily posts. Some of them are good and most of them are bad, but I'm proud of myself for staying strong this far in. Thank you to all of my followers and readers and I hope to keep you entertained for the next six months.

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