Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18: Again? Really?

One of the hardest parts of this so-called project of mine is coming up with something to write about on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Why these days, you ask? Well for one, the restaurant I work at remains open an extra hour on Fridays and Saturdays which makes it that much more difficult to have my post in by midnight. I basically have to write my entry before I go into to work to guarantee it meet its publication deadline. Couple that with the fact that I'm scheduled to work two shifts every weekend on either Saturday or Sunday. Because of this demanding and rigorous commitment, I'm left with virtually no time to sit down at the computer and exercise my creative juices.

Let's take this weekend for example. It's Friday afternoon as I sit here punching keys and hoping for a readable transcript to unfold. I work tonight and won't get home until after midnight. I am then scheduled to be at work at ten o'clock tomorrow morning and will remain until midnight again. On Sunday, I signed up for a rowing class at 10:45 and then I work that night. My weekend is shot.

You might be thinking, "There's plenty of time to write something when you wake up tomorrow before you go into work." Yeah, that's true. But coming up with something to write about right out of bed is extremely difficult. I don't think anyone wants to read a detailed description of me not knowing lines to a play that I'm in on my high school theatre stage. I've considered a week of writing down my dreams, but what happens when I have that embarrassing dream about a co-worker? I'm not going to post that!

The point I'm trying to make here is that I never anticipated this kind of dilemma when I came up with this idea. Because of my hectic weekend work schedules, my poor readers (hi, Mom) have to read a post about me complaining about having nothing to write about every seven days just like this. I just hope I'm putting some sort of creative spin on the boring topic.

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