Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26: Huh?

Today a transgendered person came into the restaurant where I work. Whatever. I don't have a problem with the lifestyle. Does it make me feel uncomfortable? Absolutely. But if they do their thing and I do mine, things will go smoothly. My post today is not about my opinion on the matter though. Normally I wouldn't even write about it because I don't think I have enough material for a decent entry, but because of the unusual circumstances surrounding what I saw today, I'm going for it.

The situation was this: Two women entered the restaurant and sat down with each other. No biggie. I probably wouldn't have even noticed if it weren't for another server pointing out the unusually large arms and masculine features of one of the women. Upon further investigation, we came to the conclusion that one was definitely a man.

Okay, that's fine. Two friends enjoying some Tex Mex on a warm Saturday afternoon. But wait, there's more! The server that brought the couple to my attention then pointed out that the two were playing footsie under the table. I was officially confused.

A guy feels so uncomfortable with himself that he'll get surgery to look like a chick and puts up with the points, stares, and whispers from people like me. He now feels comfortable in his/her own skin, but wait! He still likes girls? Am I missing something here? There has to be more to the story.

Maybe he fell in love with this girl. I mean, he fell hard for this chick. She was his everything. She was the fuel to his fire, the wind beneath his wings. All of it. He would do anything for this girl, but it turned out that she was a lesbian. No matter how nice he was to her. No matter what he bought her. No matter how many long-stem roses he sent, it would never be enough. He had to do the unimaginable to win the heart of his Juliet; and he did.

This raises the question, though, as to whether or not she's aware that her girlfriend used to be her best friend that mysteriously disappeared a few months ago. Did he/she tell her? Even if he didn't tell her, did he wait for the full surgery to woo her? I mean, if I wanted a girl that badly, I would have a hard time waiting for all of the arduous procedures to be completed before trying to get with her. When a transgendered woman who hasn't gotten the surgery yet is sexually aroused, doesn't she still get an erection? People will notice! You can only say you have something in your pocket so many times before raising suspicion.

Look, maybe this post is going to prove how naive and unintelligent I am when it comes to this subject matter. Is this considered a risque entry? Will people be offended? I don't know. But when a dude becomes a girl to get with girls and succeeds, it raises so many questions that it makes my head hurt. Who pays when they go out? Who leads when they dance? Who watches the baseball game and who gets mad when the toilet seat is left up? Guys with girls, girls with girls, guys with guys. Fine. Guys that are girls with girls that like girls? Ouch.

1 comment:

  1. "This raises the question, though, as to whether or not she's aware that her girlfriend used to be her best friend that mysteriously disappeared a few months ago. Did he/she tell her?"

    This made me laugh because I bet she looks pretty much the same. Unless her friend is one of those girls from the old superman series who couldn't recognize Clark Kent without his glasses. Then there would be some understandable issues.
