Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 9

This morning I woke up to the newscaster claiming that the temperature was between ten and nineteen degrees across the radio's listening area. Ten degrees?! That's only one syllable! Ten. It just sounds cold. Twenty-one or thirteen I could understand, but come on!

Since moving here, people have told me that Austin is the next best thing to San Diego and its weather. Now, don't get me wrong, but it never gets this cold in San Diego. Maybe it's because I've always had the warmth of family (somewhere an entire studio audience just let out an audible "awww"), but I've never been this cold.

I could see my breath in my car all the way home from work last night and when I got inside my apartment, the thermostat said fifty-one. That's inside! Of course I turned the heat on upon entering, but fifty-one?!

If you're from another part of the country where this isn't what you would consider "cold," I don't want to hear it. This is my place of complaint and your one-ups are not welcome here. I'm cold and that's my blog.


  1. Two things: you blog very early in the morning, and maybe I was correct in my observation-- you should have worn a jacket. You are a nut.

  2. I like your new subtext description. Was that there before?
