Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4

Maybe you've already figured it out, but my New Year's Resolution was/is to write one blog entry a day for an entire year. I've gotten three days out of the way without a hiccup...except that I turned my first one in at one o'clock on the morning of January 2nd, but I digress.

Other than that, I've done okay, right? I wrote a story about a funny encounter I had with a fellow movie goer on the first day. My second post was about my concerns with sharing too much information with my parents. Yesterday I gave you a list that everyone should keep in mind when attending a movie. January 4th, here I come! Except that I've already run out of topics to write about.

Here's the problem I have about blogging: It's too easy to turn it into a journal entry. I don't think a blog should be a piece of writing describing one's personal thoughts. I believe it should be about observations made on a day to day basis. Let me explain.

I don't want this blog to turn into me talking about what a crappy night I had at work or how I can't stand working with a particular person. I'm sure those would make pretty entertaining articles to read because once I get started on someone, I don't let up. But seeing as how I post a link to each of my blogs on my Facebook, there isn't any hiding. The last thing I want is to go into work the day after a post and have to face someone that may or may not have read a piece where I tore him or her a new one.

Sure, I could change names, but you can't change entire stories and have it be an authentic retelling of what happened. So now I'm stuck with searching for things to write about when I wanted this blog to just be a free form of expression for me. I don't want this to turn into a chore for me, but seeing as how I've already run out of material to write about and I'm only on the fourth day, it's going to be a long year.

1 comment:

  1. Coolest resolution ever. I look forward to seeing whether you make it all year.
