Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26: A Last Minute Blind Date

For those of you that have read every post (let's be honest's just my mom), remember when I posted an entry about how people will bring up people they know that live in a mentioned city? "I'm moving to Austin, Texas." Really? You should call Brandon because he's in Austin, Texas. Remember how I made it abundantly clear how I hated that? Well guess what. The same can almost apply to blind dates.

When a drunk girl goes on and on to another drunk girl about how she can't find a decent guy, that shouldn't be an open invitation to call me and drag me out to a bar. Don't get me wrong. I love that people are looking out for me. I love that I have friends that think of me when a cute girl is looking for a specific kind of guy.

It's no secret that I'm reaching the point of desperation here. I'm nearing my late twenties and heading into my thirties with one relationship under my belt. Every girl I meet is either taken or doesn't want to see me for more than a week. I'm an educated, neurotic, anal-retentive, anti-social dweeb that works in a restaurant. How am I supposed to compete with guys that know what they want in life? You can only make a girl laugh so many times before she realizes you're broke and don't have any direction in life.

I didn't get the entire story because the author was unbelievably inebriated by the time I arrived. What I gathered from the slurs and obnoxious tangents, was that the mystery girl was looking for an educated guy that wasn't a musician and had a good job. Did she request anything else? I'm sure she did, but like I said, this was all I got. Well, thanks for thinking of me but a decent job I do not have. And if that's all she's looking for, I doubt she'll have any problem.

Look, blind dates are cool if the organizer knows both members better than four beer's worth. I appreciate the thought. I'm flattered that a peer is doing her best to find me someone that I can have fun with, but please don't call me at 10:45 in the evening to meet someone that you just met yourself. Don't go on and on about how I'm this ridiculously good looking guy that's smart and funny and charming and witty and hot and athletic and compassionate and flirty and down-to-Earth and an all-around-great guy. I can't live up to the hype and the conversation won't last beyond fifteen drunken interruptions.

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