Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8: Tracy

The first time I saw Tracy Morgan was when he was on Saturday Night Live as Brian Fellows. I remember thinking to myself, this guy is going to be big. I put him in the same category as Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, and Bill Murray. I honestly thought he was going to be a huge star on SNL for years and that stardom would flawlessly transfer to a career in film.

I hate Tracy Morgan. He plays the same exact character in every sketch, TV show, and movie and he's not funny at all. He can't recite any of his lines without yelling them in some incoherent urban jive. Today I saw Cop Out with him and Bruce Willis. When I saw the trailer, I thought to myself, wow this is going to be a really bad movie. I didn't think the trailer was funny at all, but now that I've wasted two hours of my life watching the real thing, I only wish it was as funny.

I now have a throbbing headache due to Morgan's constant yelling and baby-talk delivery. How is the audience supposed to believe that his character could ever be hired as a New York City cop? He crept around corners with his arms extending into the room he was entering and his undercover skills were a joke! If I was a bad guy hiding in the room he was coming into, I would blow Morgan's arms clear off! Don't even get me started on his interrogation skills! What was that?! Yelling lines from classic cop films at the top of his lungs?

Am I supposed to buy this? Am I supposed to be laughing? Brian Fellows was funny the first time I saw it. I've since watched those skits over again and they are no longer funny. I love Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin, but I can't watch 30 Rock because of Morgan. He's not funny or clever and he should be taken out of entertainment. That's all.

I wasn't listening to anything.


  1. I'm sure it was a movie run, but I still can't believe you saw that. I thought that looked historically bad.

  2. It looked like a worse version of that Eddie Murphy and Robert DeNiro flick "Showtime." I will say that I enjoy Morgan in 30 Rock.
