Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10: I Don't Like Her

It's a funny thing; how we treat each other. Some of us are rude as hell to each other while others act rude to mask true feelings. A little boy will push a little girl down because he likes her. A teen aged girl will avoid any and all communication with the guy she likes and wonder why he doesn't talk to her.

Girls are brutal to other girls for no reason at all. I've been told that they do it because they feel threatened or intimidated by each other, but this doesn't make any sense to me at all. I guess I could sort of understand it if two girls were going after the same guy, but that's rarely the case.

Just a week ago, I witnessed that exact scenario. A girl (we'll call her Sara) stood up and walked out of the room. No sooner had the door swung shut behind her, that another girl (let's say Jane) felt it necessary to voice her opinion of Sara. "I don't like her." That was it. No reason. The funny thing is that no one asked why she held this grudge. Sure, a few people at the table chimed in with his or her thoughts on Sara, but no one asked Jane to explain herself. (By the way, that's an idea for a future post. Stay tuned!)

I know for a fact that neither girl has gone out of her way to get to know the other one, but why did Jane feel it was necessary to let everyone know how she felt about Sara? They weren't talking to one another before Sara got up and left. They weren't even sitting at the same table! "I don't like her." All that did was stir up negative energy directed towards an unbeknownst Sara.

Now, I'm not taking either side here, but let's say for the sake of argument that Jane was right about Sara. Let's say that Sara is a complete you-know-what. What was Jane hoping to achieve by pointing out the obvious? If anything, it just makes Jane look just as bad as Sara. Now everyone that heard Jane's opinion has a reason to dislike Jane as well!

I've written a few posts (all in pure sarcasm and jest, by the way) about how I think I'm better than everyone else, but I honestly try not to talk bad about people. Just like everyone else, I have my list of people that I can't stand to be in the same room with. There are people that I wouldn't miss at all if I never heard of them again, but I just don't think I would be solving anything by talking negatively about them.

When Sara left the room, I felt bad for her. There she was minding her own business and people started talking about her as soon as she left for no reason at all! We all want to be liked, but where do we get this idea that talking like that about another human being is going to get us any more respect.

Kids do funny things to each other when they like one another and the whole "game" that girls play is something that I simply will not put up with. I would rather spend the rest of my life alone than partake in that little escapade, but the way we treat each other in general is kind of sad. If you ever get a moment, step back and watch closely how different people treat others. It may very well surprise you.

Listening to Keane.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for writing "you-know-what" and not the bad word. my baby is lying next to me, and i don't want her exposed to bad language.
