Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20: Puppy Love

Summer is almost here and Austin is one of the most dog-friendly cities I've ever been in. Everyone here has a canine friend. After a lot of pondering, I think I would really like to be added to that list. Having a little friend welcoming me home every night could really be a boost to my self-esteem. However, there is so much more that needs to be taken into consideration before forking over the money and time needed to welcome in a new roommate.

First of all, what kind of dog would I get? I don't think I would want to adopt, because I want the joys of being a puppy owner. I want to be a part of the training and overall growth of the dog. For reasons that I can't exactly state, I've also been a big purebred kind of guy. Sport (my dog in CA) is a purebred Yellow Labrador Retriever and I want my next dog to be one as well.

From the time I saw The Mask I've wanted a Jack Russell Terrier. I've always thought they were really fun dogs and that their personalities match mine pretty well. We're both class clowns and totally rambunctious, but everything I've heard is that their energy never ends. I don't know if I would be able to keep up. Is it really fair to force a little dog like that to live with me in such small quarters?

I know a few people that have Beagles and I've really liked all of them, but I don't know too much about that breed. Maybe I should look into it. I know I don't want an indoor dog. I don't want a big dog like a Lab, but I want a dog that likes to be outside. I want to take my dog for walks in the park or swimming in the lake.

The real concern for me, though, is my future. I have a hard enough time finding a decent place to live by myself without having to worry about a pet-friendly home. On top of that,I would have to worry about finding a kennel anytime I wanted to go anywhere. I don't want to go out and get a dog because I'm lonely now and then feel tied down for the next fifteen years. On the other hand, I've wanted a dog for quite some time. Does that mean that getting one is right? My dad used to always tell me that when I want something really bad, I should wait a few weeks and if I still want it, then I should get it. Does that idea work with dogs?

There's a lot of research and preparation needed to get a dog. I don't want to be one of those owners that goes out on a whim and gets a dog only to be a horrible owner. I want the dog to have a happy life which is why this is such a big decision. I'll keep you posted.

Listening to ABBA.

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