Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13: Nothing

It's March 13. It is a beautiful day here in Austin and I'm sitting inside staring at a computer screen because of this ridiculous resolution that I came up with for myself in the dead of winter. I can't go out and enjoy the day because I have to post this before midnight and I work tonight.

I have seriously been sitting in a trance for the past hour trying to come up with something to write about. I'm listening to Frightened Rabbit and watching the minutes tick away. I have my list of potential topics, but nothing is resonating. I was going to write about how I desperately want to be more creative and artistic, but because I'm right-handed I've got this idea in my head that it just wasn't in the cards.

There are quite a few items on my list, but because I don't know who reads these posts and how each individual will interpret the entry, I feel like I'm limited to what I can write about. Recently, I spoke with someone about a topic that would make a good blog, but I don't want to upset him/her by writing what we talked about. I've seen interviews with Larry David about how people are concerned that he is going to include them in his material and I think about that all the time.

I would love to sit here and write my true thoughts on so many different topics, but I get paranoid that it will offend someone or hurt my chances at getting a job. My mom has told me about a few entries that she thinks I should get rid of in case a future employer stumbles upon them, but then what's the purpose of having a blog? Sometimes I wish I could use this space as a journal and get my real thoughts out there for people to read and comment on, but a simple thought can be a very powerful and dangerous thing.

For those of you expecting a story told from the perspective of an inanimate object, I apologize. For those of you looking for a true story from my past, sorry. Mom, I know you like blogs about family vacations and events but you won't get one today. I've got nothing. Sorry.

Listening to Frightened Rabbit.

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