Friday, March 5, 2010

March 6: Maybe We Should Stalk Other People

Have you every been de-friended by someone on Facebook? Check that. Have you ever caught a Facebook friend de-friending you? It sucks! Being removed from someone's list of friends on Facebook probably happens more than you know it, but to catch it in action hurts.

What does it mean to be someone's friend on Facebook? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You might be able to see a few more pictures of the person or be able to read his or her list of favorite TV shows. That's it! I don't think the number of friends you have on Facebook is any indication of your status in life. In fact, I tend to think less of a person when he or she has more than 1,000 friends. I feel like there are some people that make eye contact with you and instantly want to be your friend on the social networking site.

A few years ago (yeah, it's still on my mind!) a girl I knew in high school requested to be my friend. She was a part of that first awkward group of friends I had at lunch in high school. I think she was brought over to the group by a friend that I attended junior high with. We never really had any in-depth conversations or did anything together outside of eating lunch until we found our own clique to migrate to. As high school progressed, I might have had one or two classes with the girl, but again, no real friendship.

By the way, this relationship differs greatly from the one mentioned in my March 4 post. I knew this girl. She knew me. This friendship was entirely different from that of the person that the only thing we shared in common was attending the same school.

Anyway, when I received the friend request from the girl on Facebook, I did what any other guy would do. I checked out her pictures. She had grown into a fox! This girl had grown out of the awkward and skinny girl I knew in high school and developed into a very attractive woman.

One day, I went to her page to see if there were any new pictures of her only to be told that my only option was to add her to my friends. This girl, who had requested me, had removed me from her list! I was no longer good enough to be a part of her friends.

Why did this bother me so much? I never had a Facebook chat with her. I never wrote on her wall or gave a thumbs-up-like to any of her newsfeed stories. Maybe she realized that I was just a number and there wasn't any reason to maintain the superficial friendship. If that was the case, I have a lot more respect for her. On the other hand, maybe she was tired of my self-loathing status updates and wanted to exterminate them altogether.

Whatever the case may be, it kind of sucks to actually be taken off of someone's list of friends. It sounds really funny and a bit immature now that I'm writing about it, but still! I feel like I've been dumped!

Listening to Neil Young.


  1. I have 1000+ Facebook friends and want to explain. I was a freshmen at Ball State when Facebook was booming. Only college students were allowed to be members and it wasn't uncommon to receive friend request from somebody simply because you lived in the same dorm or had a class together (at the time, you could search for people that way). The initial goal of Facebook was to serve as a social networking site for university students. That's how so many of my Facebook friends came to be. I'm not too particular about my Facebook, so I've never felt the need to filter people. After all, it is just Facebook. But at the same time, if somebody did decide to de-friend me, I would take it with a grain of salt.

  2. Well said, Nicole! I apologize if I've struck a nerve.

  3. this girl sounds like a nut job. who cares if she de-friended you.
