Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 30: Denial

I've been diagnosed with having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder on many different occasions by many different people; none of which are licensed psychologists. Every time an accusation arises, I politely laugh, shake my head, and deny it. Sure, I can be a bit compulsive at times, but obsessive? I don't think so. Below are a few of my idiosyncrasies. Read them over and decide for yourself.
  • I don't like to share my eating utensils or my drinks with friends. This is the one that sparks the most ridicule. It's the way I was raised. I don't want to go around swapping germs with everyone. It's not that I'm terrified of the microscopic organisms festering within your saliva and on your lips. I just don't want to risk getting sick or coming down with something when it can be avoided.
  • I always bring six fives, eight ones, four quarters, six dimes, six nickels, and ten pennies to every shift. I know how this looks and very few people know about it. The restaurant I work at requires (although rarely enforces) us to have a forty dollar bank on us at the beginning of each shift. I'm simply following the rules. Why is it so meticulously counted out? Because I like to give exact change and having these amounts allows me to do that for more than one table.
  • I keep all of my paper money in ascending order and facing the same direction. Even fewer people know this, but I'm surprised more people don't do this themselves. It's so much easier to find a five dollar bill when you know that it comes before the ten and after the one. I make all of my deposits with my money organized like this too and the tellers love me for it.
  • My DVDs, video games, books, ballpark souvenir shot glasses, and my CDs (when I had them) are all in alphabetical order. Again, it is much easier to find The Princess Bride when you're looking in the P section.
  • I keep a detailed spreadsheet of how much money I make and spend on a daily basis. Alright, if anyone has any kind of legitimate argument for me having OCD, this would be it. Until now, however, there may only be one or two people that know about it. I can tell you how much money I claimed I made, how much I actually made, what section I was in, and what I bought for dinner on any given day for the past three years. It started off as a New Year's Resolution to record every cent I made/found and how much I spent over the course of a year. By the time December 31st rolled around, it just became habit to keep going. I don't use the information and I don't ever plan to.
So there you have it. With the exception of the latter, these are all examples people have used to try and convince me that I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I guess this post isn't really the best argument on my end for not having it because the list is pretty silly. Just know that any of these things could be taken away from me and I would be able to go on with my life just fine. I don't have OCD. End of story.


  1. Brandon, I hope you know I'm just teasing when I give you crap about OCD! My sister has said I'm the most anal retentive person she knows, so I certainly understand your quirks. Plus they make us who we are, right?

    P.S. I took Psych 101! Doesn't that sounds for something? :)

  2. Totally normal and practical. Definitely no OCD. You win your case.
