Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19: Ouch

The next week or so could prove to be a challenge for my goal of one post per day for one year. I sit at my computer today with my left hand completely wrapped in a soft, white gauze with my pinky finger serving useless. Any attempt to reach the Q (ouch) when using my home-row keys is a painful stretch. At work today, a martini glass shattered in my hands as I tried to place it in a rack at the dish pit and now I have three stitches on the palm side of my hand just below my pinky.

It takes me roughly an hour to write, edit, and post each entry, but now that I am typing at a slower rate, it could take a lot longer and I just don't have the patience for that. I may just copy and paste articles I find on the Internet. It's not the same as writing an original idea down in my own words, but it's still a post.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but I urge you to suck it up.

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