Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17: Nocturnal Menace

As I lied in bed last night, my eyelids grew heavy as various thoughts and contemplations skipped through my mind. I thought about the season finale of Survivor and the new people I had met at the bar that night. A light fog began to form over my conscious thoughts as I slowly descended deeper and deeper into sleep. I was just getting comfortable in the N1 stage of my NREM cycle when I felt the slightest tickle crawling on the hairs of my left arm.

My body shot up and with my right hand cupped, I quickly scooped the invisible menace up and launched it into the blackness that was my bedroom. A tingling sensation ran sprints up and down my spine as I continued flailing my arms and kicking my legs in hysteria. I reached over and flicked the reading light on, but the yellow circle of illumination it cast on the carpet didn't show any signs of nocturnal arachnid activity.

I stared at the ceiling with the light on for a few minutes before switching it off and closing my eyes in a second attempt to fall asleep. Somewhere in the dark, a confused and discombobulated spider was wondering where he was and how he got there. Did he fall in between the cushions and the back of the sofa? Did he land on the desk with the computer or in the wastebasket with the junk mail? Would he attempt to get back to the bed or was he simply a figment of my imagination? One thing is for sure: an unknown nightly visitor is creepy as hell.

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