Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29: The Weird Guy

He's usually abnormally short or exceptionally tall. No matter how tall he stands, there is something wrong with his teeth. Crooked, yellow, missing. You name it. His hair is just as bad. Receding, greasy, unkempt. Again, you name it. He is never, and I mean never funny. He thinks he is. He thinks you think he is, but he's not. He is the weird guy you work with.

Every place that I have ever been employed (or volunteered) at, there has been that one guy that just isn't right and has something missing from upstairs. I can always pick this guy out pretty quickly because he's always a little too sociable right from the get-go. He always has a some relatable story or a friend that did, or is something great and unbelievable.

Usually this guy doesn't stick around for very long. He either gets fired for being too vocal about certain issues around the workplace or he quits and moves on. My question is not "What's wrong with these people" but "Where do these people end up" and "How did they become like this?"

I know we've all come across that weird guy at our place of employment. He'll stick around for a few months and then just disappear. It's normal for us to just forget about him and move on with our lives, but I want to know where the guy goes next. Does he continue to skip from office to office or restaurant to restaurant giving every new fellow employee stories to share for the week following his departure? What was his childhood like? How can something that ugly and dumb have so much confidence? What's this guy going to look like in fifty years?

It's easy to write these characters off and forget about them, but isn't anyone else as interested as I am? I wish there was a way to follow the lives of these nut jobs and observe the birth of their behaviors.

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