Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 27: Again?!

Look, I don't really know what I'm talking about here, but I have less than an hour to submit a blog entry and this is all that I can think to write about. This is probably going to piss some people off.

Chile was just hit with an 8.8 magnitude earthquake. Hundreds of people have died and the country was left in ruins. All of this happened less than two months after the devastating earthquake in Haiti and President Obama is already talking about how the United States is going to help.

I think it's horrible what these two countries are having to deal with. If I were in their shoes, I would want all the help available to me. I don't think the United States should be the ones to come to the rescue though.

I don't understand why the United States feels any obligation in helping these other countries. Our country is in the worst shape it has been in since the Great Depression, so shouldn't our focus be on getting ourselves back on track? Shouldn't we concentrate on taking care of our citizens before worrying about the people in other countries? Sure, we're still better off than Chile and Haiti, but if we keep printing out dollars that we don't have what is this country going to be like for our children?

Where were these countries when Katrina hit? People can argue that they didn't have the money or means to send aid, but we don't have the money to send aid either! So why are we doing it? Our economy is on the brink of total collapse. We are so far in debt that we'll never get out. The value of the US Dollar is worthless, but let's print up some more Benjamins and send them over. Let's let our own country go to the dogs while we play Superman to the other countries in the world.

I don't understand it. I don't get it. I feel awful for the people in these countries. I can't even begin to imagine what they must be going through, but I don't see the point of helping them right now when we have huge problems of our own.

I'm sorry if you find this offensive, but it's how I feel. If you have a good argument, then I would love to hear it. Good night.

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