Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11: The Mutual Friend

What are the rules of seeing a mutual friend over and over again without ever being formally introduced to one another? I recognize her and I'm sure she recognizes me. We've never shared two words with another. She's been at parties I've gone to and I see her almost every night at work, yet she doesn't work there. Am I obligated to introduce myself?

I don't know if being introduced to her through someone else would make a difference. I've never had a conversation with this person so I don't know if we have anything in common. I feel like any first conversation is now bound to start like this: "Hey, I'm Brandon. I don't think we've ever been formally introduced, but I see you all the time." "Oh, hi. I'm blah-blah-blah." That's it. Where else could it go without being really awkward?

"Hi, I'm Brandon. I don't think we've ever been formally introduced, but I see you all the time."

"Oh, hi. I'm blah blah blah."

"Hey, nice to meet you. (Shakes hand.) So...what do you do?"

I'm already bored. Even if I had the patience and willingness to go through that whole over-played scene, I'll still be at square one the next time I see this person. I'm not going to approach her and talk with her like we're old friends every time I see her. It's going to be just as awkward as it is now, because I don't have anything to say to her and she doesn't have anything to say to me so we'll be doing the same thing we're doing now; nothing.

So, I'll sit here in front of the computer screen and write a blog on the Internet. I'll complain about the little social nuances that annoy me and in the end, I won't get anything accomplished.

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