Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9: Recommendations to Hate

I'm no expert, but I love movies. I read Entertainment Weekly more for the articles on upcoming films than the ones on TV shows, music, and books. I visit websites like Ain't It Cool for the same reason. I love movie trailers, rumors, and trivia so I guess you could call me a bit of a "buff." It's for this reason that my parents will periodically ask me for recommendations for their Netflix queue.

The problem with this theory of theirs is that we have complete opposite tastes in movies. I loved (500) Days of Summer. They hated it. I was stoked to find that Zombieland was available for instant streaming and I loved every minute of it. They gave up thirteen minutes in and later told me that they spent the time exchanging looks and wondering what I could possibly like about it.

This is how every recommendation goes. I'll go on a movie run and tell them how much I loved Inception. I'll tell them how tears welled up in my eyes three different times for Toy Story 3. They like hearing what movies I like. They just don't like the movies. Yet, they continue to ask me what movies they should add to their queue.

They like movies like The Ice Princess and 27 Dresses. I like Inglourious Basterds and District 9. I think the last movie that we both agreed on was in 1994 and it was called Forrest Gump. I'm obviously exaggerating here, but we rarely strongly agree on a film.

It shouldn't bother me when they don't like my recommendations, but it does. I feel responsible for wasting their time. They received Mr. Brooks today in the mail and I just have to wait for them to tell me how much they hated it.

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