Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11: Immortal Sid

It's no secret how much I love Coast to Coast AM. I've already written entire posts about the late night radio show and posts about talk radio in general where the program ends up taking over. Anytime I find myself involved in a conversation about paranormal phenomena, I try to recruit new listeners. Halfway through my explanation of the program, however, I always find myself bored with my description. I can never come up with solid reasons on the spot for listening to the show. On last night's program, a caller made my job a lot easier.

I had just marked my spot in the book I'm reading, set it on the bedside table, and turned the radio on. George Noory, the host of the program, was taking calls from listeners in a segment known as "Open lines." This is the part of the show when people normally call with tales of ghost and UFO sightings. A few years ago, whenever Noory opened the lines for callers, I would always change the channel. Some of the callers were a little too good at describing the shadow people that lurked in dark corners of their houses.

The first caller last night wasn't calling about ghosts or shadow people. He wasn't calling about September 11 conspiracy theories either. He simply wanted to tell Noory that he was an immortal and that he really enjoyed the show. This, of course, sparked Noory's interest and the caller became the receiver of an onslaught of questions. George Noory isn't the first host of the program, but he does such a great job interviewing lunatics. He never asks demeaning questions or makes his guests feel as dumb as they sound. He always sounds legitimately interested in what the caller has to say even if he claims to be over 500-years-old.

What amazed me about this caller was that his answers actually made sense. "Sid from Canada" said that he has had to move around a lot because it would raise suspicions if he were to stay in one city for too long. He didn't know exactly how old he was but it was somewhere in the vicinity of 500. He's had a wide variety of jobs and he didn't know if his parents were immortals or not. When asked what he found interesting, he replied with "Wars and art." He liked how the wars have evolved through the years.

None of these facts were given in jest. Sid was completely serious and so was Noory with his questioning. How can you not find this caller fascinating? Coast to Coast AM is filled to the brim with callers just like immortal Sid. You never know what you're going to get when tuning in which is why you should make it a habit to listen every night. I'm begging you to please check out this program. Here is a link for you to find the station in your area:

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