Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31: Let Me Live

Last night I had a dream that I would like to share with you. Most of our dreams don't make any sense at all and this was one of them. I'm usually not a fan of having to sit and listen to someone else's dreams because I never find them as interesting as the person telling the story but I figured this would be a good use of today's post.

In high school, the nearest bus stop to my house was about a mile away. In my dream, I must have still been in high school because I found myself walking to the stop. For some reason, I decided to take a different route which in turn caused me to realize that I was going to miss the bus if I didn't immediately start running. After what seemed like fifteen minutes of nonstop running, the bus I was trying to make drove past and the driver yelled my name out the window as she went by. Luckily, my parents pulled up in an old, unrecognizable car shortly thereafter with my sister in the back seat. They all got out and greeted me with hugs, but because I was still trying to get to school on time, I told them to get back in the car so we could go and that I would drive.

The house I grew up in was in the mountains and my school was down the hill about twenty to thirty minutes away. I'm telling you this because the voyage that my family was on took us on roads I had never seen before that went uphill. As we drove along, it started to rain - really hard. I know we didn't start off listening to them, but at some point on the journey, I remember hearing Queen's Let Me Live. (Great song, by the way)

This last part is the most ironic part of the dream, because it was during this song that the road turned sharply to the left at an upward climb. I knew the old car would struggle to make the climb so I pressed my foot down on the accelerator in order to maintain my speed. Unfortunately, I pushed down too hard which caused the tires to spin frantically on the wet pavement. As the tires spun, the car began to slide backwards until we met the edge of the cliff and fell off.

As the vehicle pulled us down, I saw the hood travel backward and over me until I was hanging upside down strapped in by my seat belt. All was silent as I saw my phone hit the car's ceiling. I kept hoping that the hood would continue until the car was right side up when we would eventually land but of course, this was not the case. We landed upside down.

In a lot of my dreams, I am aware that I'm dreaming. I can look at a situation and not fret because I know it's just in my imagination. This one was different though. I could feel myself lying on my back. I was in shock. This wasn't really how it was going to end, was it? It had to be a dream. Try as I might, though, I could not open my eyes and force myself to wake. I could hear a loud mechanical sound that I knew wasn't in my bedroom. I couldn't move my arms or legs so I just laid there trying to force my eyes open.

Obviously it was just a dream. I'm alive and well. That mechanical noise I heard? It was just my oscillating fan. Why it was so loud as I lied and waited to die is anyone's guess. Now, aren't you glad I shared that story with you?

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