Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25: Vocabulary Lesson

impulse |ˈimˌpəls|

1 A sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act : I had an almost irresistible impulse to giggle | [as adj. ] impulse buying.
• The tendency to act in this way : he was a man of impulse, not premeditation.

2 A driving or motivating force; an impetus : an added impulse to this process of renewal.

3 A pulse of electrical energy; a brief current : nerve impulses | a spiral is used to convert radio waves into electrical impulses.

(Physics) A force acting briefly on a body and producing a finite change of momentum.
• A change of momentum so produced, equivalent to the average value of the force multiplied by the time during which it acts.

spontaneous |spänˈtānēəs|

Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus : the audience broke into spontaneous applause | a spontaneous display of affection.
• (of a person) having an open, natural, and uninhibited manner.
• (of a process or event) occurring without apparent external cause : spontaneous miscarriages.
• archaic (of a plant) growing naturally and without being tended or cultivated.
• Biology (of movement or activity in an organism) instinctive or involuntary : the spontaneous mechanical activity of circular smooth muscle

schmuck | sh mək| (also shmuck)

A foolish or contemptible person.

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