Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 14: Copy and Pasted

I wish I could copy and paste more than just text. Don't get me wrong. I love highlighting a line of text in that florescent blue and clicking on Edit and then Copy. I love placing the blinking cursor at another point in my writing, clicking on Edit again and then Paste. I'm getting so good at it, that I can copy and paste text without ever navigating my mouse to Edit. If you don't know the secret, I won't spoil it for you. One of my greatest memories is the day I discovered the shortcut. I don't want to deprive you of that feeling. So yeah, copying and pasting text is awesome. I just wish I could apply the feature to all aspects of life.

I'm a terrible storyteller. If something amazing happens to me, I have a hard time repeating the events to an outside party without butchering the details. If I could somehow highlight the entire event in florescent blue, click Edit and then Copy. I would be able to paste it when trying to re-imagine it to a friend. You want to know about my fight with Bully Joe? Let me just click Edit and Paste and there we are! Look how I dodged Bully Joe's fist there. See! I told you I landed a clean punch to his face! When the story ends, the scene disappears. Copied and Pasted.

I could copy and paste my tables ordering. That way when I drop off the Grilled Chicken Potato and they complain that they had ordered the Grilled Chicken Pasta, I can prove them wrong. Highlight, Edit, Copy, Edit, Paste. There's you on the cell phone. There's me waiting for your order. There's you putting your friend on hold and, "I'll have the Grilled Chicken Potato." There's me, "Grilled Chicken Potato?" There's you nodding. Copied and Pasted. Owned! I win!

Copying and pasting text is great. You might be surprised to learn that I use it all the time with this blog. Probably every post in fact. But imagine the possibilities of being able to copy and paste life. A child birth. A soccer game. A first kiss. The endless are possibilities. Wait. Check that. Let me just highlight, Edit...

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