Thursday, November 25, 2010

November 25: Mean Girls

I grew up with a sister six years my minor and I never really thought twice about the stories she brought home from the schoolyard. I just assumed that when she came home ranting and raving about a good friend of hers turning into a b*tch from out of nowhere, it was what really happened. I was surprised at how one minute two girls that spent so much time together could hate each other's guts the next. If that surprised me, imagine how I felt when a few years later, they were hanging out again as if nothing had changed!

It wasn't until I got my first job that I was able to truly grasp how mean-spirited girls are in general. Guys are always getting a bad rap because of the way they talk to each other, but no one seems to realize that it's all in fun when they do so. Girls, on the other hand, are just plain brutal to each other; behind each other's backs.

I can't tell you how many times I've talked with girls about how annoying or stupid or egotistical a good looking girl is. It seems as though every time I have my eye on an attractive young female and I go to a mutual "friend" to get information about the girl, I'm always told how selfish and snotty the girl is. The thing of it is, though, is that these things aren't being said because I'm being recommended to avoid the girl. Anytime you give one female the opportunity to truly express how she feels toward another female, you will hear some pretty bold accusations.

Good looking girls get the worst of it, too. Average looking girls hate good looking girls because of how threatened they feel by their looks. The things they say about each other could be true, but because one of them is attractive and the other is not, it just highlights all of their faults and it's clear as day as an outside listener. I've had multiple conversations with Plain-Janes about how a cute girl thinks she can get away with anything based strictly on her looks.

Don't get me wrong here, though. I'm not taking the good looking girls' side. They're just as bad as the rest. They hate ugly chicks for being ugly! It's almost as though the ugly girls want to be ugly and the pretty ones want to be ugly. It's nothing but a gab fest directed at the other group. I hate you for being beautiful and I hate you for not being as beautiful as me.

If you ever get the opportunity to sit and listen to the genuine opinions of one girl about another, I highly recommend it. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll feel bad for the person being talked about and then you'll laugh to yourself at the girl doing the talking. Then you can go to the talk-ee and ask her about the talk-er. It's great.

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