Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15: Priorities

Earlier in the year I had a subscription to Netflix. Two DVDs at a time, no late fees, unlimited instant streaming on my computer, $14.99 a month. At first, it was great. I was watching all sorts of movies that I had never gotten around to seeing. Old movies like Annie Hall and Kramer vs. Kramer. I wanted to get the most for my money, so I would watch a movie the day I received it in the mail, drive to the post office right after so it would be picked up on the same day it was delivered. Doing this for a two-movie cycle can become quite exhausting.

I wasn't getting anything accomplished because I was so busy watching movies. If I worked during the day and couldn't get to the movie until the night, I would get dressed and walk to the mail slot in my complex at two in the morning so I wouldn't have to worry about sleeping past the time the postman came. Tack on having to write a semi-decent entry for my blog and my day was completely shot. Who had time for friends? Who had time for exercise?

Eight months after canceling my subscription, I find myself in a similar quandary. A week ago, a friend let me borrow the last two books of the Twilight series (If you need my justification as to why I'm reading the books in the first place, I wrote an entry a few weeks ago) and last night a different friend let me borrow a video game that I had recently discovered. I want to finish the books so I can return them, but I need to finish the game so I can return it. What's a twenty-seven-year-old straight man supposed to do?!

On the one hand, I need to know what happens after the marriage of one Ms. Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen. Does he go through with immortalizing her? Is the temptation to kill her too great when he sinks his teeth into her neck? Does Rosalie ever warm up to her? What about Jacob? Does he ever come back? I keep hearing about this sex scene involved between Bella and Edward too. I have to read that!

On the other hand, I need to collect all the stickers, decorations, point bubbles, and other various objects as I can so I can spice up my little sackperson's world! I'm really hoping to pimp my pod in some kind of baseball theme if it's available. I can't accomplish this if my friend is waiting for me to return the game! I can't accomplish this is if I'm completely immersed in the world of vampires and werewolves!

The pressure is unbelievable. I need to sort my priorities out. If only there was a way I could have another surgery to limit my time at work. Then I could get all sorts of things done. Oh, wait! I am having another surgery!

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