Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31: Only 55 Days Left

Halloween is a day for little kids to flaunt their dress-up skills. It's a day for eating candy, walking around the neighborhood, and dodging cars. It's a day for girls to wear scandalous outfits without consequence and for guys to dress as girls without consequence. All Hallows Eve also happens to kick start the holiday season.

It's a pretty unoriginal thought, but it bothers me nonetheless. It seems as though stores bring out their Christmas decorations a little earlier each year and it's beginning to get a bit ridiculous. In fact, I was in a Home Depot last week and they already had their miniature village displayed throughout the cotton snow. Last week! A week before Halloween.

I understand that it's a dog-eat-dog world and business owners don't care about Christmas as a family holiday. Money talks and that's all they care about. How can I make a buck? How can I get people to buy their decorations from me and not my competitor?

In eight weeks, Santa will be sliding down chimneys and tripping over train sets circling trees. Until then, you can expect every Sunday ad featuring kids in pajamas holding new toys. You can expect the mid-term election propaganda to be replaced with "This Weekend Only" commercials and door-busting prices. Stores will feature glittery snowflakes and synthetic Douglas Firs.

And then Thanksgiving.

Once Turkey Day passes, then the yuletide sh*t will really hit the fan. Those holiday commercials will now be placed around holiday made-for-TV specials. Claymation specials about flying reindeer and magical snowmen will dominate the airwaves. Radios will play nonstop carols and the news will be littered with stories about homeless victims of the recession.

Eight weeks. Are you ready? Why are you still sorting your trick-or-treat candy? Shouldn't you be hanging mistletoe and stockings? Do you have your 55-day advent calendar set up? You better get started.

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