Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11: Irregardless

Ill be the first too admit that Im not the best person two bee righting on this subject. English was never my best subject in school and this little 365 Days project should be the perfect example of why I lack the credibility to breach such matters. They're are certain things in life that really irritate me, though, and one of the biggest annoyances is that of poor grammar.

Most people are quick to let me no how much it bothers them when people don't no the differences between you, your, and you're but always seam to forget the rule themselves when righting an email or sending a text message. Knowing these differences is won thing. Using them is "a whole nother." If you care so much about the differences between to, two, and too, please prove it by using the correct won. Its easy too sit and criticize ones grammatical efficiency, but if you dont take the time to capitolize the beginning of a sentence your just as bad as those you critique.

Why am I choosing now to to right on such a topic? Because I didnt think people ever actually used the word "irregardless." They do. Now, I would say that I could care less with how people chose two speak, butt I couldnt. I dont care how people speak. I can walk away from an ignorant person. I cant walk away an ignorant wall post. I cant walk away from someone speaking in all caps or run-on sentences.

Most nights when I sit down to right my daily blog, my mind is nothing more than alot of nots. After staring at my computer for an hour, the last thing I want to do is proof read my dribble. I just want to publish the entry and bee done with it. My mom is constantly sending me emails with grammatical fixes and suggestions (witch I appreciate) and I always immediately make the changes. However, I dont usually get the corrections until the morning after I posted the entry to my Facebook. Hear I am complaining about pour grammar and the majority of my posts are read before I make any corrections!

Eye have no write to sit hear and judge the way people right, but come on! Use a period or an apostrophe once in a while. I have a college education, but I dont feel like my righting has improved that much because of it. Im talking about the basics and everyone I know has at least a high school education. Effort. That's all I'm asking for. Thank you.

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