Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16: Arrival Time

This isn't a good start to the relationship. These are the people that I should trust more than my own parents. I need to have more faith in this group of people than my own flesh and blood, but I can't help this feeling of distaste I have for them. Do I trust them with my life? I guess I have no choice, but it's 4:45 in the morning!

With a company Christmas party on Tuesday night, a twelve hour shift on Wednesday, and an unhealthy addiction to a pirated television series, I'm currently not exactly the definition of well-rested. It was bad enough when I went through the duration of yesterday knowing I would have to wake up at 6:45 to be ready for my ride. But when I arrived at home at 10:30 last night and heard the voice mail that my surgery had been pushed up to 7:30 and my time of arrival was scheduled for 5:30, I began to worry.

Not only was it 10:30 at night, but I had literally just gotten home. I hadn't taken my shower. I hadn't had anything to eat. I hadn't written my daily blog. I hadn't seen any episodes of Dexter in twenty-four hours. The caller's voice kept repeating itself in my head. "Don't eat anything after midnight." Instead of making something right away, I worried about not having enough time as I ate almond after almond from the two-pound jug I had purchased a few days earlier until it was 11:30. Now, I really didn't have any time.

At 12:30, my shower was done. My blog was done. I had a stomach of almonds, but something was still missing. Rest? That's what any sane person would long for, but I had to find out why Jordan Chase was so interested in Dexter Morgan's past. So instead of turning out the lights, I turned on the TV and stayed up for another hour. Three hours until my ride would arrive.

So here I am. 4:45 in the morning. My eyes are stinging and my feet are dragging. Granted, some of this feeling is my fault, but what kind of people instruct injured human beings to arrive so blasted early? What kind of people call at the very last minute with news of having to arrive two hours earlier than an already too early appointment? People with scalpels and syringes, that's who. People we allow ourselves to be around while unconscious. People we trust with our very lives, that's who. This relationship is not off to a very good start.

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