Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5: Can You Believe This Guy?!

Servers have to be some of the most bitter people in the world. The majority of people in the industry hate their jobs and aren't afraid to voice their opinions. It's not that surprising because constantly being told what to do can get on your nerves. Really, that's all servers do for hours on end. They're running errands for other people, being told that something isn't right, doing what they can to make someone else comfortable. The only appreciation they receive is in the form of their gratuity after each guest has left and sometimes that doesn't help.

I find it interesting, though, how being constantly bossed around can lead to such petty and immature thoughts on the server's part. Sure, we have a lot to complain about. There are quite a few guests out there that are way too picky and needy, but I've heard some pretty bizarre complaints from fellow servers.

My favorite came just a week ago. A server came up to me after dropping the check at one of his tables and he was fuming! Apparently when he went to present the tab, the guest gave him a credit card for the bill and a ten dollar bill that he needed to get change for. The server was livid that the guest would have the nerve to ask such a thing.

"He wants me to run his credit card for the bill, so why the f*ck does he want change?!" he complained as he violently slid the card through the computer's reader. "What a f*ckin' a-hole!"

I couldn't help but smile and shake my head. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the request at all. In fact, the guest was probably doing the server a favor. He more than likely wanted to use part of the change for the server's tip which meant that the server wouldn't have to claim it at the end of the night.

This isn't the only example of a server's horrible and bitter attitude towards his/her job that I witness every shift I work. "They want more chips! They want separate checks! He wants a refill? Look at all the modifications I have to put in for this lady!" This is your job! This is what you signed up for! Yeah, it can get extremely irritating if you're busy, but it doesn't change the fact that it's what you're paid to do.

If you're a server, which I assume most of you are, the next time you go in for a shift, listen to the complaints of your co-workers and really listen to the context of what they're saying. If you think about it, the complaint is usually good for a laugh or two.

Listening to Neil Diamond.

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