Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4: Do I Know You?

I received a Facebook friend request the other day. The name sounded familiar, but I didn't know where I had heard or seen the name before. Apparently, we had 14 friends in common so I thought that if I took a gander at the list of our mutual acquaintances, something might click in my memory. Every name on the list was a friend from high school so I came to the conclusion that I knew this person back when I was a mighty eagle at Granite Hills.

Upon further investigation, though, I was still clueless as to who this person was or is. Pictures didn't do anything for me. Names of spouses and wall posts didn't do anything either. As far as I could tell, I was nothing more than a name in a yearbook that came up in the search window of Facebook. After all, I was the most talented male of 2001!

This, I don't get. Why do people that attended the same high school as me feel it necessary to add me to their enormous list of Facebook friends? It happens all the time too! I'll get a friend request from someone that I don't remember at all, but because we both graduated in '01 from Granite, I feel obligated to accept. I assume that if we had the same friends that we were friends too, but why don't I remember you? Why do you want to be my friend on Facebook?

What is this going to accomplish? Are you going to Facebook chat with me now that we're "friends?" No. Are you going to write on my wall? No. You're probably never even going to super poke me, but I'm going to get the (insert sarcasm tone here) joy of watching your progress in Mafia Wars every day in my newsfeed. I'm nothing more than a number to you. You just want more friends and I'm encouraging this behavior by begrudgingly accepting your request.

Listening to Arcade Fire.


  1. Even weirder is when that person does post on your wall. I have a handful of "friends" like that, and every once in awhile I'll get a "like" or a comment from one of them. I never talked to you in high school, so why are you commenting on my status update?

  2. I've received the occasional "like," but it usually takes place during a one month period after becoming friends. I can't help feeling a bit warm, though, when I receive a heart-felt birthday wish on my wall from these strangers!
