Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25: Jealousy

Jeal-ous |ˈjeləs|
feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages : he grew jealous of her success.• feeling or showing suspicion of someone's unfaithfulness in a relationship : a jealous boyfriend.
• fiercely protective or vigilant of one's rights or possessions : Howard is still a little jealous of his authority | they kept a jealous eye over their interests.
• (of God) demanding faithfulness and exclusive worship.

I recently went out for drinks with a friend. A friend that happens to be a girl. A friend that happens to have a boyfriend. How can I say this next part without offending someone? I have less than zero interest in this girl sexually or for anything outside of a friendship. We were having drinks when her boyfriend called and this was the side of the conversation I heard:

"Hey. Where are you? I'm at restaurant (I'm not giving details). With Brandon." Just like that the conversation was over and my friend threw some money at me and left the restaurant. The boyfriend had hung up on her and she had to go put out the fire.

Now, I haven't been in a serious relationship in quite some time so I can't say how I would have felt in the same situation. I can't sit here and write about how differently I would have responded because I don't know if I would have. Maybe I would have acted in the same fashion. Maybe it wouldn't have bothered me.

Jealousy makes us do stupid and irrational things. It's such a weird feeling and concept. It will make us go through each others' text messages, emails, phone call history, voicemail, and Myspace/Facebook history. I think it's just natural human instinct to get possessive and insecure about certain things, but acting on those insecurities sure does make us look bad, doesn't it?

My dad used to always say that if you get jealous over a girl, she's not the right girl for you, but some people are just naturally jealous. I wonder if that jealousy stems from a lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. Do jealous people hate themselves so much that they're afraid their loved ones are going to realize that they could do better?

What's funny about jealousy is that it goes beyond relationships. Little kids get really upset when brothers/sisters or friends have more of something or a cooler/shinier toy. Neighbors feel a constant competition with one another to have a bigger house or a nicer car. I'm jealous of everyone my age that has found a career while I'm still waiting tables.

Where does it come from? Why do we feel it? Are we supposed to express it or keep it bottled up inside until we explode? Whatever the case, I'm not feeling jealous of anything or anyone at this particular moment in my life (with the exception of people doing something with their lives) so all I can do is sit back and laugh it up.

Listening to Train.

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