Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23: Cry Baby

I got home from running some much-needed errands, tossed my keys on the empty dresser that greets me upon entering my apartment and made my way, grocery bags in tow, toward the kitchen. After putting away my new purchases, I made arrangements for a delicious tuna casserole. The oven was promptly set to 350 degrees Fahrenheit as I leaned over the cutting board and began. Without warning, tears welled up in my eyes and I started to cry.

As a lone teardrop worked its way out of my right eye and slid down my cheek, I wondered what had brought the sudden sign of emotion. Why was I crying? There were a few more clouds in the sky than I had hoped for when I woke up this morning, but it was still a relatively nice day. I picked up a new library book that I was anxious to start reading and I didn't have to work later, so what was the meaning behind these tears?

I had a two-hour conversation with my parents on Sunday, so I couldn't imagine my tears coming from being lonely. It couldn't be finances either, because I just made a healthy deposit into my account. Although this latest trip to the bank didn't make me rich by any means at all, I still had that positive feeling of being financially stable. I wasn't in physical pain, so why on Earth was I crying?

I continued with my preparations for dinner by finishing dicing my last section of onion and just as quickly they had begun, my tears came to an end. I mixed in my vegetables, milk, and Cream of Mushroom soup still perplexed with my random onslaught of emotion. My dinner was fantastic just as I knew it would be, but two hours later, I still have no idea what caused me to turn on the waterworks.

iTunes was set to shuffle.

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