Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18: Speechless

On my desk, I have a list. I keep a running inventory of interesting topics that I think of throughout my daily activities with the hopes that I will someday be able to write a blog entry on one of them when I have writer's block. The problem is that I'm rarely in the right mood or mindset to write about any of the items on the list when I can't think of anything else. Near the top of this ever-growing catalog, I have "People that won't shut up" and I know someday I'm going to have a hilarious entry on the topic.

We all know a person that refuses to stop talking. Sometimes, it's a neighbor and sometimes it's a friend or a friend of a friend. It could be an employer or even a check stand operator at the local Wal-Mart. Usually all it takes is the tiniest bit of attention directed towards this person and the flood gates will open with an outpouring of hot air.

He or she will have an opinion on anything and everything. Give this person the opportunity, and he or she will go on forever. There's always a story of experience, a friend or acquaintance that can relate, or just the wish that the given topic could be experienced.

These people don't always need an opening, either. A lot of the times, they are the starter of conversations. These introductions tend to begin with, "You know what I hate?..." and are like quicksand. The more you fight and try to wriggle free, the tighter they hold on. I try not to be too rude to these talkers, so I'll nod and give a complimentary laugh as I walk away hoping that he or she will get the hint; they rarely do. Just the other night, I literally walked across an entire dining room only to look back and witness this talker still going at it! The person was all alone and still talking to me over a room full of guests! I had to just shake my head and continue on my way with a giant grin spread across my face.

I can't tell if I hate these people or love them. Sure, they can get really irritating if I have someplace to be or something to do, but how can you hate someone that just wants to talk to you? Besides, they make having conversations so much easier! I don't have to be the one to come up with the topic. All I have to do is listen, and even then, I rarely do.

When I'm drawing a blank on what to write about, I look at my list of thirty some-odd topics and try to form a decent blog. I skim over "People that won't shut up" every time and one of these days, I'm really going to strike gold.

Listening to Ben Folds Five.

1 comment:

  1. In a related topic: Toppers.
    These are the "don't shut up" people who have had an experience that is even better or even worse or met someone even cooler, etc. They don;t even have to be in a conversation but if they hear something near them, they can't wait to jump in and start talking about themselves.

    Listening is a lost art.
