Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You Should Blog That

I first heard of a blog when Myspace was at its creative and popular height. I was probably a Junior in college and the last thing I wanted to do was write essays in my spare time on a social networking site. I preferred cyber-stalking girls and pretending that I was cool enough to be able to talk to them. I didn't want people entering my head and learning what made me tick.

As a result of this hatred towards blogs, I did what I do with everything that I am against. I turned it into a joke. When someone at work or school started telling me a long, drawn-out story about something I didn't care about, I would interrupt them with, "You should blog that." It was a line that received a quick laugh (however awkward and forced) and it made me feel instantly better about putting someone in his or her place. It also, however, led to a decline in the number of my social invites and interactions, but I digress.

I am now 26-years-old and have been out of school for over four years and I find myself in the shadows of the popularity of none other than the blog. How did I end up falling victim of my own punchline? I wish I could give some enlightened reason for joining this madness, but I can't. I'm constantly finding myself yearning to write down my daily thoughts and I can't do it in the 140 characters or fewer that Twitter has to offer.

I don't know how long these blogs will last, but I'm here to try it out. I don't know who will read these, and frankly, I don't really care. It will probably be for the best if no one reads at all because I will inevitably offend someone. I have an extremely politically incorrect way of thinking but because of my natural desire to not want to offend anyone, I find myself holding back. This is my promise to you, readers: I will not hold anything back!

If you've made it this far, I congratulate you and pity you at the same time. I'm looking forward to this new adventure in narcissism and I hope you enjoy it because I know I wouldn't. I welcome any and all comments you have, but if you have an entire story that you want to relate to one of my posts, maybe you should blog it!


  1. As long as you never apologize for not writing more I will be totally ok with reading this.

  2. Maybe you should blog about having to blog about succumbing to blogging.
