Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1: Restroom Etiquette

When using a public lavatory, there is a certain etiquette one must follow. Here are the do's and don'ts one should keep in mind when using such a place:

  • Upon entering, open the door and stare at the floor when passing someone washing his hands.
  • A quick "thank you" when having the door held for you is in order, but nothing more.
  • Maybe an "excuse me" when crossing paths.
  • Go in, do your business, wash your hands, and get out.
  • If you go in with a friend or family member, discussing the movie you just saw is okay, but nothing more.
  • Keep your children locked in the stall with you and let them ask questions as loudly as they want. Everyone else does it so it's okay.
Do Not:
  • Do not make eye contact through the reflection in the mirror above the sink.
  • Do not, under any circumstance, make small talk with the other patrons.
  • Do not carry on a conversation with the person in the neighboring stall.
  • Do not grunt, groan, moan, yell, or sigh.
  • Do not reach for the paper towel dispenser if someone is using the neighboring sink.
  • Do not comment on the most recent thunderous flatulence. We all heard it. You don't need to double check.

If you keep these few things in mind when using a public restroom, you will find your stay very pleasant and rewarding. Thank you.

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