Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19: I Am

am a
bro. I am
a man. I am
a dude. I am a
homie. I am a yo. I
am a fool. I am a ninja.
I am a playa. I am a Broseph.
I am Brandon. I am Roesler. I am B. I
am Brando. I am B-Dawg. I am Brandizzle.
I am Brandon Brandon Brandon Paul. Cutest
baby of them all. I am
whatever you say I am.
If I wasn't, then
why would I
say I

am a
son. I am
brother. I am a
cousin. I am a nephew.
I am a grandson. I am
not an uncle. I am a Roesler.
I am a friend. I am a
colleague. I am an acquaintance. I
am a mammal. I am
an animal. I am
a carnivore. I
am their

am a
waiter. I am
a server. I am
an order taker. I am
a food runner. I am a
side duty machine. I am a stacker
of molcajetes. I am in the North. I
am fifth row of the South. I
am scheduled a double. I am
in the weeds. I am
a large Bob and
a Delux. I
am the

am an
actress. I am
a model. I am
a dancer. I am whatever.
I am a little teapot. Short
and stout. I am the wind beneath
your wings. I am a balla shot calla.
I am Bruce Almighty. I am Batman. I am
Forrest Forrest Gump. I am the Bear Jew. I am
your worst nightmare. I am Dwight Schrute Assistant Regional Manager.
I am Dwight Schrute Assistant to the Regional Manager.
I am Inigo Montoya; You killed my father
prepare to die. I am Russell in
tribe 54. I am King Aragorn
and I have returned.
I'm Constanza: Lord
of the

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