Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The Golden Rule. The rule in which we should all live and abide by. A society would function much more sufficiently if its members would treat each other the way that they would want to be treated. Who follows this rule? Not many, but I do.

A couple came into the restaurant I work at last night and dined in my section. I served them promptly and efficiently; just the way I like to be served. I greeted them with an enthusiastically cordial "Hello" and made a small joke bringing attention to the fact that I was aware of the unusually slow business the evening was experiencing. I like it when my waiter makes small jokes.

Upon serving them their waters (with a lime on the rim of the glass) on carefully placed beverage napkins, I asked if they had made a decision and were ready for me to take their orders. The man ordered first, but the woman was having trouble deciding between two entrees. When I can't decide on a dish, I find it comforting and helpful for the waiter to suggest something; so I did. The woman ordered the exact dish I recommended. I knew she would like it because I would.

The salads were delivered, followed promptly by the main course. I refilled their drinks when I noticed they were getting low and took away any unused items on the table. I hate a cluttered eating area.

The check was dropped off at the table, picked up, and returned with the credit card slip ready to be signed with one of my finer pens. There wasn't any wondering where the waiter had wandered off to. There wasn't any checking of the watch to see how much time had passed. The guests came, dined, enjoyed themselves, and left with a full stomach. The night was perfect; until the car wouldn't start.

I don't know about you, but when I find myself in a bind, I want someone to be there for me. I want someone to help me in a pinch and that's precisely what I did!

Upon discovering the misfortunes that my guests had encountered, I told them that it wasn't a problem and that I would be more than happy to oblige them. Because I knew they were cold, I jogged to my vehicle so they wouldn't have to wait any longer than necessary.

I maneuvered my car in such a way that the jumper cables could reach both batteries, connected said cables, gave directions on when it was safe for my new friends to start their car, and waved goodbye as they drove off. Happy, full, warm, and safe. Just the way I would have wanted to be on a cold January's evening. I am a good and righteous person. I only wish more people could be exactly like me.

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